How Do We Save for Retirement?
We Have Two Basic Choices

  • Stocks, bonds & mutual funds which can bring great gains and great losses.
  • Insured products which can bring modest, guaranteed gains - but no losses.
When comparing the two options for retirement income
there are compelling differences.
An insured strategy needs considerably less capital than a Wall Street Strategy in order to create similar income streams. Even if the projections below are hypothetical approximations, where one is guaranteed and one is not, which income strategy makes the most sense?

Insured Strategy

$375,000 = $22,000/year *   

$750,000 = $44,000/year      

$1,125,000 = $66,000/year   

$1,500,000 = $88,000/year

*Approximate distributions after 5 years
based on returns in 2022.

Income streams are
Guaranteed for Life

Wall Street Strategy

$550,000 = $22,000/year *   

$1,100,000 = $44,000/year   

$1,650,000 = $66,000/year   

$2,200,000 = $88,000/year

*Based on 4%/year distributions
often recommended by Wall Street firms.

Income streams are
Not Guaranteed

Whether retired, or near retirement, or just starting to save for retirement - a CIS plan could be the best solution for the Basic Cost of Living - when working is no longer an option.
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